
Product Description

Product details of Betadine® Antiseptic Liquid

Betadine® Antiseptic Solution (Available in 15ml & 30ml) For wound care management

Overview: BETADINE® Antiseptic Solution is a stable aqueous solution for wound care management.

Description: BETADINE® Antiseptic Solution does not contain alcohol and does not cause drying of the skin. The product is for skin antisepsis prior to, during and after surgery.

Disinfectant and wound cleansing. For skin antisepsis prior to, during and after surgery.

• Kills 99.99% of germs causing wound infections within 60 seconds

• A broad-spectrum antiseptic solution containing Povidone-Iodine.

• Has the advantage of non-staining and non-irritant

• It does not contain alcohol and does not cause drying of the skin.

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Simply drop by VivaHealth Pharmacy Singapore store to exchange or return your item. For all exchanges and returns, kindly bring the receipt and the item in its original packaging. The item should be in good condition.

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