

O.R.S Hydration Tablets are formulated to follow World Health Organisation oral rehydration solution guidelines. The mix of electrolytes combined with a low-calorie dose of glucose (17.2 kcal) is not only proven to be the fastest way to restore a healthy level of hydration, it also keeps you hydrated for longer than water alone.

Formulated by pharmacists

Formulated by pharmacists to World Health Organisation hydration standards.

Drop. Dissolve. Drink

Drop, dissolve and drink normal drinking water

Suitable for adults & kids

Suitable for adults and kids, vegan friendly, gluten-free, lactose-free and no artificial preservatives

Available in two tasty flavours (Lemon and Blackcurrant)

This product is returnable.

If you are not satisfied with the item or have made a wrong purchase, you may choose to get a refund or exchange within 7 days of purchase.

Simply drop by VivaHealth Pharmacy Singapore store to exchange or return your item. For all exchanges and returns, kindly bring the receipt and the item in its original packaging. The item should be in good condition.

Please note that the shipping costs will not be refunded.


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